
remember sub { } for the < > brackets

First thing about graphics and images. Each one has it's own web address (URL). You must know the URL to the image you want to use, or you must have that image in the files with your webpages, whatever server you may have. Each has it's own instructions for uploading images. If you take an image from somewhere on the web, make sure you have permission from it's creator to use it. Some people offer their work free, or ask for a credit on your page. Most of the graphic sites that I have/will have linked here have the graphics available for you to use.

the img tag is what you use for images and graphics.
{img src=""}
will produce the following:

{center} {img src=""}{/center}
will produce the following:

To use graphics in place of hypertext, you may need other elements in the tag other than what I've already shown.
Note the difference between these two graphics (other than the color).

and the difference between these two:
E-mail me
E-mail me
In the first example, the border is eliminated by adding border=0 to the img tag.
{a href=""}{img src="" border=0}{/a}
will produce:

In the second example, the text can be lined up with the image by adding align=middle to the img tag.
{a href=""}{img src="" border=0 align=middle}{/a}E-mail me
will produce:
E-mail me

How you choose to line up the text depends on the size of your icon. Here is an example of align=top, align=middle and align=bottom:
E-mail me

E-mail me

E-mail me

The background pattern on this page is not created by using an img tag, but rather an element in the body tag. background="" placed into the body tag, produced the background you see on this page.